Scrabble Photos
Below are photos about Scrabble gathered from different blogs for your enjoyment.
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Post: Scrabble Controversy / Feb,23
Scrabble Controversy
Recently there has been a large complain launched by parents buying their children scrabble on the DS on the grounds that it contains offensive language.
The Daily mail jumped on this, like every other outrageous game related topic they can find. They use an example of the game having the word tit in it; this apparently is considered offensive to the children even though the word tit also means a small garden bird.
The scrabble dictionary as many avid scrabble players know is rather extensive covering all words, why do parents not realise the children will be children, and if you give them a bunch of letters to play around wit the first thing they will do is see how rude they can make a sentence I remember playing scrabble for this reason entirely and; laughing my head off as I laid down some childish words, who hasn’t done something like this?.
Countless angry parents have since written in to the daily mail about how the game developers can have the audacity to include words like balls tit and other mildly rude words.
It’s not like the Ai is spelling c*%$ or f?@* continually. Another gripe brought up by the wonderful daily mail readership is 18 rated games a lady wrote in to say that she had bought her child an 18 rated game and was disgraced that the characters swore in it.
how protective do parents need to be, is this too far? why does the daily mail hate games?
Scrabble An Adult Game?
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Post: Scrabble :: An Adult Game? / Feb,23
Post: Scrabble ::
An Adult Game?
The box says “10 and up”, but today’s Scrabble Word of the Day begs to differ:
This seems a particularly odd choice for a Sunday’s anagrammatical edification, given that the official Scrabble dictionary has been Bowdlerized to the point of excluding even the rather mild FART (try RAFT or FRAT). It is, however, quite in keeping with the “adult-games” label included in Scrabble’s home page URL: games/scrabble/home.cfm?page=home.
This would not be the first time the avowedly family-friendly word game has ruffled feathers among the more delicate tile-ticklers.
There was the time horrified parents discovered that virtual opponents in the Nintendo DS version of the game will use, and worse yet define, some rather explicit terminology (Sorry kid, but who among us, man or machine, could possibly resist playing F*CKERS on a triple to go out and win?) .
Then there was the time a Holocaust survivor’s opponent noticed that JEW, as a verb, was present in the official word list, prompting Anti-Defamation League involvement and an eventual lexicographical capitulation.
This well-meaning expurgation was little comfort to one Jewish gentleman, however, when Scrabble legened “GI” Joel Sherman attempted to use the word in team play against the Scrabble-playing robot with a Yiddish name, Maven.
At any rate, this dated Sports Illustrated article plausibly asserts that competitive Scrabble players simply don’t care about defamatory or explicit language. Indeed, if you’ve seen Word Wars, you’ll know that they rely on it, both on the board and off. Warning: the film is unrated and contains profanity, drug use, and the frank discussion of gastro-intestinal difficulty.
I think the gatekeepers of Scrabble wordiness need to be cut some slack. It’s hard enough to be tasked with deciding what is and isn’t a word, let alone what may or may not be offensive.
Instead of deploring the arbitrary nature of the Scrabble lexicon, why not embrace it, as must 2003 Scrabble World Champion Panupol Sujjayakorn, a Thai citizen who doesn’t speak fluent English?
Perhaps, to end the controversy once and for all, the alphabetic tiles need to be replaced with arbitrary symbols and the word list replaced with a randomly generated set of permutations of these symbols, fixed forever in number and arrangement.
Inevitably, however, some of these patterns would bear some superficial resemblance to certain anatomical elements, and we’d be back to square one (the pink one with the star, in the middle of the board, double-word-score).
Finally, for those of you with a strong stomach, have a look at the expurgated word list. Break out one of these gems the next time you’re at the board and strike a blow for lexical liberty for consenting adults, or just enjoy the puerile pleasure of naughty words.
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Post: Make a Valentine's Day Scrabble Themed Picture Frame / February 01, 2007
Make a Valentine's Day Scrabble Themed
Picture Frame
Here's a Valentine's Day Craft Where You Can Spell Out "I L-O-V-E Y-O-U"
Does your sweetie love Scrabble? Or do you just want to give your sweetie a crafty gift that will say I LOVE YOU, and really "spell it out"? Well, then this Valentine's Day Scrabble Picture Frame is f
or you!
This Scrabble frame is cute for any word lovers in your life - whether it be Scrabble, or crossword puzzles, or fellow writers. One great tip for you - you can find Scrabble sets on for reasonable prices and quite a few ebayers sell just the tiles because crafters use Scrabble tiles for quite a few different crafts at this point.
So this is a great, pretty unique and kind of quirky craft to do for someone special in your life. It will certainly be one-of-a-kind - they can't get it in a store!
To make this craft you will need:
a wide rimmed picture frame
red, pink or white craft paint
a foam brush
thin red ribbon (the width of the picture frame to wrap around the outside rim of the picture frame)
hot glue gun
red ribbon roses
Scrabble tiles
To begin this craft first cover the area with newsprint to protect the surface. Then paint the picture frame's frame with two coats of paint in your chosen color. Also paint the rim of the picture frame. Let this dry before going on to the next step.
Now take your Scrabble tiles and decide what sweet thing you want to say. Do you want to stick with something classic like I LOVE YOU? Or BE MINE?
Or do you want to write out a cute nickname you have for them like FLOPSY MOPSY I LOVE YOU? See what is going to fit comfortably on the picture frame. Arrange the letters attractively and then hot glue gun them down onto the picture frame.
Take the red ribbon and measure the outside rim of the picture frame to see how much ribbon it will take to get all the way around. Cut off any excess.
Hot glue gun the ribbon onto the frame. Then hot glue gun some of the red ribbon roses onto the frame in a scattered pattern along the frame around the Scrabble letters.
Let the frame sit for about twenty minutes to half an hour for the glue to dry, the paint has already dried. Then put your favorite picture in it and it is ready for gift giving. Happy Valentine's Day!
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Post: Valentine Scrabble
Valentine Scrabble
"Valentine Scrabble" is a very interesting Valentine's Day game for kids. You can use this game in a party especially planned for the kids. In case the couples coming to your Valentine's Day party have kids, this game will help in keeping them busy.
How to Play "Valentine Scrabble"
* Give a piece of paper to each child
* Ask them to write the word "Valentines Day" on the top of the sheet.
* Now tell them to write as many words as possible from the letters of the word "Valentines Day" in the next ten minutes.
* Assign points as per the number of alphabets used in each word. For example, a three lettered word gets three points, a four lettered word gets four and so on.
* The child with the highest number of points wins the game.
* The other option is to ask the kids to write something related to Valentine's Day like cupids, roses, etc in the next two minutes. The child with the greatest number of words wins.
How to play Scramboni on iPhone
How to play Scramboni on iPhone
- Video -
Below is an explanatory video about "How to play Scramboni on iPhone"
How to play Scrabble on iPhone
- Video -
Below is an explanatory video about "How to play Scrabble on iPhone"
Blog Name: Scrabble on the Brain
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Blog Summary: All you need are the right tiles at the right time
This blog has been active since: May, 2007
Post: It's a bird, it's a's SUPER SCRABBLE! / February 2, 2009
It's a bird, it's a plane...
I haven't really played any "" Scrabble-- though I have a userid now and at Larry Sherman's suggestion, have been watching some of the "expert level" player games. He said it will show me how to manage my board better, and I think it's been helping. Although Phil still calls opening-up-the-triple-line-so-that-your-opponent scores-twice-as-much-as-you-did-using-your-power-tiles, "pulling a Dawn." Sad face.
Thus, the only online Scrabble I play is against my friends on facebook. But, as I've written before, the facebook "Beta Scrabble" SUCKS. You can't play phonies, no swear words or other "offensive terms" are valid, it's super slow I mention you can't play phonies? Bah. SO instead, I've been playing a thing called "Wordscraper."
It is Scrabble on illegal Mexican steroids. They have double word/triple word/quadruple word score boxes that are within four squares of one another, so you can double/triple/quadruple, for like 200 points on one play: I got 169 points against Ugarrrles when I played quinoa(which I was pronouncing "quin-oh-ah," until my adopted mom chastised me at dinner and said "it's pronounced Keen-WAUGH, dear." Mah bad.
Ugarrrles and I, who met playing No Limit Hold 'em poker, now refer to wordscraper as "omaha" for the crazy number of combinations. You get eight tiles, the board is almost twice as large and the tile distribution is nutty (three whys, five (or six grrrr) essses.
Anyway, tonight I was introduced to the Real world version of "wordscraper" -- it's called SUPER SCRABBLE. The board is huge, there are TWO HUNDRED Tiles (two kues, four blanks, etc.)
I'm visiting my adopted mom in Utah, and she has a mini Scrabble club going here. So you draw twelve tiles --any word using seven or more of your letters is a bingo, blanks can be reused, if you exchange it for the letter that it represents and then use that blank during the turn in which you exchanged for it. I was so out of my element the first time we played, I couldn't figure out how to value things -- do you bingo, or go for the five letter word triple/triple (which is possible for the Triple Word Squares were five spaces apart.
It was weird, I bingoed three or four times, but lost because my adopted mother, who I've been teaching, triple/quadrupled with the bingo anointers and then won by the tiles in my rack. Oh, they also play with four people.
So I came in second out of four in that game. A woman then left, so I played "the fourth" in two games simulatenously. By then I had the hang of it AND Crushed all the games. I scored 802 points! Which was almost double my closest opponent (a super competitive Asian woman, who hates when I play with them because she usually always wins.)
I got to bingo with "outfoxes!"
I kind of like playing these games, because it's helping me work on seeing eights and getting the hang of playing through letters. I found "corniest" and "menacers" today -- playing through an i an a cee, respectively. Everyone was amazed that I could play two games simultaneously AND bingo on pretty much each turn. I'd just shrug and say I was drawing lucky. Oh I found bicycle on my rack too -- using no blanks! Hee hee.
Scrabble Anagrams
Below are anagrams of "Scrabble"
Direct Anagrams: clabbers. | |
Words within the letters "a-b-b-c-e-l-r-s" | |
-1 letter: barbels, clabber, rabbles, scabble, slabber. | |
-2 letters: babels, balers, barbel, barbes, blares, blears, braces, cabers, cables, carles, clears, lacers, rabble, scaler, sclera. | |
-3 letters: abbes, abler, ables, acerb, acres, alecs, arles, babel, babes, baler, bales, barbe, barbs, bares, baser, bears, blabs, blare, blase, blear, blebs, brace, braes, caber, cable, carbs, cares, carle, carls, carse, clear, crabs, earls, escar, lacer, laces, lares, laser, lears, races, rales, reals, saber, sable, sabre, scale, scare, serac, seral. | |
-4 letters: abbe, able, aces, acre, albs, alec, ales, arbs, arcs, ares, arse, babe, bale, bals, barb, bare, bars, base, bear, bels, blab, blae, bleb, brae, bras, cabs, carb, care, carl, cars, case, cels, crab, earl, ears, ebbs, eras, labs, lace, lacs, lars, lase, lear, leas, race, rale, rase, real, rebs, recs, sabe, sale, scab, scar, seal, sear, sera, slab. | |
-5 letters: abs, ace, alb, ale, als, arb, arc, are, ars, bal, bar, bas, bel, bra, cab, car, cel, ear, ebb, els, era, ers, lab, lac, lar, las, lea, ras, reb, rec, res, sab, sac, sae, sal, sea, sec, sel, ser. | |
Words containing the letters "a-b-b-c-e-l-r-s" | |
+1 letter: barbicels, scrabbled, scrabbler, scrabbles. | |
+2 letters: ascribable, scrabblers, scrabblier, scrubbable. | |
+3 letters: describable, scrabbliest. | |
+4 letters: abstractable, blackberries, blackbirders, hardscrabble, secobarbital. | |
+5 letters: bonnyclabbers, indescribable, indescribably, psychobabbler, secobarbitals, undescribable |
Blog Name: BoredLA
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Blog Summary: Our goal is to make sure you know what’s going on in L.A. before it happens. We want to connect people from around the city and prove that L.A. has some pretty cool events going on. Basically, when you are bored, you should be able to come here and find something awesome to do. And if you have an event you’d like to share, we are always looking for more to write about so send us an e-mail!
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Post: Craftiness is Next to Godliness: Scrabble Headboard
Craftiness is Next to Godliness:
Scrabble Headboard
I don’t have a headboard, but I’d love to have one. Problem is: all the ones I like are too expensive and all the ones I can afford kind of suck. Fortunately, I can make one on my own and so can you.
A few days ago, I found a great and simple tutorial for making your own upholstered headboard at a website called Chez Larsson. It looks great in her home, but for my taste, I’d love to embellish it a little. Enter Scrabble lettering.
Probably the hardest thing about making your Scrabble headboard will be picking which word you want to put on it. You could “monogram” it with your name, pick your favorite word and sleep under it every night, or label it with something like “bed” or “sleep.” Once you’ve figured out what word you want, it’s smooth sailing from there.
You need:
-a piece of wood about five inches wider than your bed and as tall as you want it to be. If you buy the wood at a home improvement store, you can probably get it cut to the right size by the employees there.
-several layers of cotton batting to pad it
-a piece of fabric as large as the square with a few inches allowance on each side to allow you to staple it. To make a plain white headboard, like the one made in Chez Larsson, I’d recommend that you use a white sheet. For a more authentic Scrabble tile look, you can sew together several lengths of wood grain fabric to make one piece of fabric that is wide enough.
-a staple gun
-iron transfer paper for your printer - one sheet for each letter you plan to have
-a computer and printer
-an iron and ironing board
-tailor’s chalk, disappearing ink pen, or a pencil
Now put it together:
1. Create your Scrabble letters in word processing software, one letter per page. I found that Arial Rounded MT Bold looks a lot like the letters on actual Scrabble tiles. Make your letter in size 500 and your number in size 150 with the subscript box checked on your font menu. Alternately, you can use a scrabble esque font. Print them using your iron transfer paper.
2. Lay your fabric out on your wooden headboard base to figure out where exactly you want the letters to go. Then mark the location of your letters with your chalk/marker/pencil. Carefully iron the fabric so that it is wrinkle free and then transfer the letters using the iron on paper per the manufacturer’s instructions.
3. From here, Chez Larsson has great pictorial instructions. Basically, you just staple the batting and fabric to your piece of wood and then lean it against the wall behind your bed.
4. If you want a little extra security, you can mount the board to the wall, but I’ve had a headboard leaned against the wall before and it worked just fine.
Sweet, Scrabble-y dreams, kids! And happy crafting.