How to Scrabble Tile and Glas Pendants

Blog Name: Indie Sista's
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Blog Summary: Independent Handmade Arts Crafts -- Supplies for the Artist
This blog has been active since: September,2008
Post: How to Scrabble Tile and Glas Pendants / October 30, 2008

How to Scrabble Tile and Glas Pendants

Complete Scrabble Tile Pendant Kit

Sun and Moon Craft Kits offers loads of kits just like these.

If you ever wanted to learn how to make scrabble tile pendants, glass pendant or magnets check out this shop. Everything is included in the kit at a very reasonable price. There are also extra tile and glass pieces that you can order if you find yourself wanting to make more and more and more -- we all know how addicting crafting can get!

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